1. What is your main goal? Likes or Sales?
The price for Ads evolves depending on a country's economy. (ex: in US 1 Page Like will cost you an average 0,5$, the same Ad in India will cost you 0,05$) Ask yourself what should this likes do after you gain them? Buy your product (read the 5'th point) or like the content you Post?
2. This is not a place for Perfectionists
It doesn't matter how well you target your Audience, there will be at
least 50% targeted Facebook-ers who wouldn't click your Ad. (Think about yourself. You passed a hundred times near the XYZ shop even if they had the products in which you are interested, but only today your mind say'd "Hmmm, let me see what's inside.")
3. When the price falls, buy!
4. The more the better.
If you want a good price then don't stop the campaign every time you don't like something. Set a Budget per day and edit the Audience if you don't like the price. For example one of my Campaigns started with a price of 0,04$/click, i set a budget of 1$/day for 30 days. At the end the campaign stopped at a price of 0,003$/click and i still can't beat this record.
5. Do you sale or just gathering Fans?
Which is your main goal? To sell products or to gather more people interested in a product/service? I'm asking this question because basing on this you get 2 different audiences. In the world there're a bunch of Apple fans who can't afford one. If you want to sell something on this page after you gather a bunch of likes, then you're going on the wrong path. Better promote Sales through a post on your page because a happy Buyer will probably like your page and will mostly buy more from you later.
6. Its harder to start, its late to stop.
The numbers tell something about you. A new page/post makes it harder to interest people in giving a look. (Ex: You walk on a street and there're 2 shops. Shop1 has a bunch of people in the front waiting their turn, Shop2 is empty. I assure you that most passers will at least ask what happens in Shop1.) Psychology could give you an explanation on this, i can give you an advice. More likes/views you'll get when you post/page gets popular.
7. More often is not Better.
Check the Frequency indicator, after some time. If you set your Audience too narrow you could wake up showing the Ad too frequently to the same Person. If you don't want to change this audience then change at least its Image/Text (Ex: If i don't like an Ad when the first time i see it, i could get angry in the next 5 times.)
8. Adjust the budget to your audience.
A Boeing needs in average 1900 meters of Runway to take-off, if its less then it will probably reset and try again. When creating a campaign make sure that you set a minimum budget and allow it to take-off before spending it. From my experience a 1$/day budget is OK for a country like India, but definitely not for US. If you'll set a small budget you'll just loose money.
9. Make your calculations.
Facebook usually doesn't lower the average price below 0,01$ in first 2 days of the campaign. So i suggest you to manually calculate the average by dividing Results to the Amount spent.
For example in this image you can see that the average Facebook suggests is 0,01$/post engagement, but if we divide 0,24$ to 38 Engagements we'll get an average of 0,0063$. This is a price on which i will definitely apply the 3'rd Tip.
10. Don't forget about the clock.
Don't forget about the time in US and in Europe. Most US citizens will sleep when Europeans work. Also i noticed that people on Facebook will engage more with an Ad after 9:00 o'clock in the evening or in the first working day in the morning between 8:30 and 10:00 o'clock.
That's all for this Article, hope you'll find something useful.
If you want to share something with me, do it on:
Facebook page: SMMGeeks
E-mail: lungumg[at]gmail.com