Our life is too short to keep it simple or booring. A part of us spend their life without changing anything, even if they dont like this and only in the last days when they get retired, start realising how much things they didnt try.
Not to feel sorry, you should do every day something new, try what you have not tried or what you've done long time ago and loved it. We've been instilled in the brain the standart pattern, that during the lifetime we should learn a speciality and after that we should finish our days working on this speciality. In the end we realize that we've lived a foreign life with foreign dreams.
Many times we say that we want to do something, but we do not always get to. For this we need to plan our lives. To help you, was created a small application whith a list of the most popular 100 things (wishes) you should do in your life.
Sometimes to lift your mood it's enough to make childish things (for example to play with soap bubbles).
It's simple&free.

Here is a small presentation of the list:
1. Sleep under the stars
2. Turn off your phone for a week
47. Meditate three hours
48. Keep a butterfly in your hands
76. Swim clothed
93. Grow a beard and leave it for at least a month
94. See: Amazon Rainforest
95. Eat strawberries galore
96. Exchange souvenirs with the captain of a savage tribe
97. Make a tattoo
98. Write a book
99. Create your own bucket list of at least 100 things you want to do before you die
100. Die.
Find the app on Android market named
"100 things todo" or just click